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Writer's pictureJunior Oliveira

Is TECHNOLOGY killing CHILDREN’S CREATIVITY? 10 tips to raise a creative child in a digital age.

Updated: Jul 10, 2019

In general lines, creativity is the ability to produce or create things that are unique and often have a practical or artistic value, and also it is a way to look for new solutions in order to solve problems. However, there are lots of discussions about Technology and creativity. Nowadays, children are somewhat "encouraged" to use digital devices, access the internet and play with smart toys from a young age. So is Technology Stifling Children’s Creativity?

We know that technology is an essential part of our society, and we all have so many possibilities to use it in a positive way, but it is more important to bear in mind how incredible is the attitude of jumping into the world we want to join and then make our own things using our own hands and our imagination. A study conducted by PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science), presented some pieces of evidence that technology is killing creativity, for example, humans who always have their digital devices lack imaginative activities that help to promote creativity.

Ok, ok, then what we can do in order to raise a creative child in a world surrounded by technology? According to psychologist Alle Andrei, the answer is time management (use the principles of screen time for each age); even children who know how to tell time don't necessarily know how to measure time, so, help them out by setting a timer during a block of time when they're allowed to be using their digital devices and internet. Then, push them to be creative, we know that children are naturally creative, but we also know that due to several factors, creativity can be unlearned, and because of lack of stimulation, creativity can also be undeveloped. For this reason, we have to encourage our children to use their imagination to create things.

In the Article "Raising Smart Kids", the author states that "apart from the practical benefits of being creative, coming up with something new in itself is a source of pleasure. Many artists actually create art not for money, but to express themselves and give purpose to their lives. To many, it can be an important aspect of a happy, fulfilled life." It is really inspiring!

See these10 tips to raise a creative child in a digital age

I've got some tips to help you nurture the confidence and skills from which creativity will flow. It is, therefore, time for us to roll up our sleeves and get down to work with our kids! I found thousands of tips, but I decided to include the 10 most common and essential present in the relevant articles available on the web. You can see all the sources at the end of this post. Let's our imagination fly!

1 - Go outdoors: spend time in nature - Let your child explore textures, shapes, and colors outside. Spend an hour on the ground picking out shapes in the clouds, or dig in the sand to find special rocks. Observing the world will give your child a well of information to draw from.

2 - Give your child a place to be creative – Sometimes creativity needs a quiet place or a place where he can be alone. Also, keep in mind that sometimes creativity can be messy. Cover that bare wall with paper before he fills it with his artistic creations.

3 - Allow him time to get bored – because this will give him moments to reflect, toss around ideas, and entertain himself by daydreaming and using his imagination.

4 - Focus on your child's interests - If you really want to help your child to become creative, encourage them to explore topics and subjects that fascinate them. If they like hand-craft things, help them find engaging and interesting books or other sources if information with instructions about their favorite hobbies.

5 - Provide choices. Gather a wide range of materials for your child to use like paint, colored pencils, chalk, play dough, markers, crayons, oil pastels, scissors, and stamps.

6 - Don't reward children for exhibiting creativity: incentives interfere with the creative process, reducing the quality of their responses and the flexibility of their thought.

7 - Encourage children to read for pleasure and participate in the arts. Limit TV and other screen time in order to make room for creative activities like rehearsing a play, learning to draw, reading every book written by a favorite author.

8 - Allow kids the freedom and autonomy to explore their ideas and do what they want. Don't be so bossy. (If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, who knows what is.) Stop living in fear that they are going to be kidnapped or not get into a great college.

9 - Make your child a reader – Among its many benefits, reading expands the intellectual horizon of your child, exposing them to new information and experiences that could potentially capture their interests and stimulate the urge to create. It sets up your child to imaginative thinking. Knowledge from reading also provides raw materials for your child to build upon. Reading informs your child about what exists, so he knows how to build on it.

10. Applaud outside-of-the-box thinking. And appreciate the unique minds of children who might have learning differences. Children should feel as though there are a wide range of possibilities and not just one single answer for every problem.

Finally, take the time for your own creativity, according to Child educational psychologist (Ph.D) Charlotte Reznick, since kids learn from watching their parents, be creative, too, join your child when they’re drawing or building or coloring. This provided a great opportunity for the family to bond, and everyone had a fun time.

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